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Orange Vanille Clou de Girofle

Orange Vanille Clou de Girofle

En stock: 196
Niveau de caféine (mg/1g)
Apports nutritionnels
Portion ml
Quantité par portion
4.6 kcal / 19.2 kJ
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Installez-vous confortablement avec une tasse de notre superbe mélange de plantes Orange Vanille Clou de Girofle. Il déborde de saveurs d'orange acidulée, de vanille chaude et de douces notes épicées de cannelle, de cardamome et de clou de girofle. Notre mélange parfumé Orange Vanille Clou de Girofle infuse une liqueur cramoisie vive à l’arôme engageant. Sa saveur d'orange fraîche et vive se marie à merveille avec la vanille et la cannelle, et se termine par un duo réchauffant de clou de girofle et de cardamome. Le thé d'hibiscus est connu pour sa haute teneur naturelle en vitamine C, ce qui en fait une merveilleuse infusion à base de plantes bénéfique pour la santé.

Orange Vanille Clou de Girofle est un mélange de plantes parfumé qui apportera une sensation confortable, chaleureuse et douillette à votre quotidien.

Ingrédients principaux
Clou de girofle
Pétales de rose
Voir plus d'ingrédients
Comment faire
une tasse de thé parfaite
1-2 CAC ou 1 SACHET
200ml / 8oz
95°C / 205F
4 - 6 min
Pomme, hibiscus, orange, églantier, pétales de rose, amande, arôme naturel, clou de girofle, cardamome en poudre, vanille
Contient des fruits à coque
Ted Beahl Jr
Mars 2023
[EN] YUM YUM YUM YUM YUUUUM! Another great non-caffeinated Tisane from Tealyra.
Asmaa Ali
Janvier 2023
[EN] I came to this website looking for weight loss or appetite suppressant tea . I found this which has nothing to do with wright loss but the combination seemed exciting so I ordered it .
And actually I want to report that it is helping me with my appetite indirectly! My issue with food in the winter is I feel cold and my body wants to consume fatty Carby comfy fattening foods . I've been drinking this for two days between meals for warming purposes. And it works due to the warming herbs it has!

So far I haven't wanted to snack on comfort foods for the past 48 hours ! It's flavor is a beautiful aromatic fruity cocktail . It's a beautiful pink red and smells and tastes delicious! A little tangy little sweet little Tarte beautiful! It keeps me warm I make a 1 litre pot and keep it on the mug warmer and sip all day! Highly recommended if you get cold easily like me and go fir comfort foods to warm up !
Joe Jr Maxant
Décembre 2021
[EN] This is a great tea with an orange-vanilla taste that is great cold, warm. On these cold winter nights: ad a shot of rum and you'll keep warm all night ;-)
The fruitiness outways the herbs in this blend. Definitely a favourite! I just love the taste!
Tina Fisher
Août 2020
[EN] Amazing citrus flavor with a bold tea base. The citrus leans towards a grapefruit base. This tea disappeared within a week at my home. My husband (who lives on coffee 24/7) loved it. It's the first tea he has ask to keep in stock in our almost 40 years of marriage. Please keep this tea as a standard in your list. Thank you for such quality products.
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