Mon Préféré
Thé noir Milady Grey

Milade Grey

En stock: 1335
Amérique du Nord
Niveau de caféine (mg/1g)
Vous nous l'avez demandé, et nous sommes fiers d'offrir notre propre et très attendu thé Lady Grey ! Une version rafraîchissante et légère d'un thé Earl Grey traditionnel. Créé dans les années 90, le mélange Lady Grey avait pour objectif initial de réduire l' " âcreté " qu'un Earl Grey traditionnel peut présenter. Après de nombreuses dégustations, essais et erreurs, nous avons créé ce que nous croyons être le meilleur thé Lady Grey. Nous avons mélangé du thé noir de luxe avec de l'huile de bergamote, de l'orange, du citron et une touche de rose. Ce mélange infuse une tasse maltée, onctueuse et citronnée avec la saveur de rondelles de citron fraîches, une touche d'astringence et une saveur incroyablement fraîche. Nous espérons que vous apprécierez notre Lady Grey préféré !
Ingrédients principaux
Pétales de rose
Comment faire
une tasse de thé parfaite
1-1.5 CAC ou 1 SACHET
200ml / 8oz
95°C / 205F
2 - 3 min
Thé noir, orange, pétales de rose, citronnelle, pétales de bleuet, huile de bergamote, huile de citron
Sascha Uncia
Avril 2024
[EN] Extremely perfumey! My first thought upon opening the bag was that the leaves smelled a lot like like aftershave or cologne. I had to double check the ingredients list and thankfully no artificial aroma is added to the blend, awesome! Thankfully this pungent looseleaf mellows out a lot after breweing, producing an orange-amber cup that smells pleasantly floral and citrusy.

The flavour of the tea closely matches the aroma, with predominantly floral and citrus notes. The black tea base is obscured a bit by the bouquet of flowers, but tastes like a pretty standard english black tea, strong and a little bitter. As expected it goes excellently with milk!

I've tried about 6 earl greys from here; My favourite Tealyra Earl Greys at time of writing are...
- Darjeeling Earl Grey (Very citrusy from heaps of bergamot)
- Hawaiian Earl Grey (Tropical twist on classic earl grey)
- And now taking third place, Milady Grey. (A bit flowery, but a variety of different citrus notes)

Any of those three are great choices, just be aware of how flowery this one is so you know what to expect.
Hadeil Al-Tamimi
Janvier 2024
[EN] This is great! I hated how cheap the twinnings one tasted. This one is a whole other level. Amazing blend, I’m enjoying a cup at the moment with some lemon shortbread cookies!
Février 2023
[EN] If you're expecting something like Twinings Lady Grey--which I certainly was-- suffice it to say this blend is not much like that at all. The citrus flavour that characterise Lady Grey takes second seat to a floral note imparted by the rose petals in the blend. Maybe that's what makes it Milady Grey and not just Lady Grey; there's extra character for our taste buds to explore beyond simple citrus. It makes for a very pleasant cup of tea that will have you coming back for more.
Décembre 2021
[EN] Received my first my first canister as a gift and the label was smudged. I was horrified at the thought that I wouldn’t find the name of it to get another ! It was so good I searched for nearly a year!!! Yay! I found it!
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