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Traditional Lapsang Souchong

Traditional Lapsang Souchong

En stock: 203
Nivel de cafeína (mg/1g)

 ¡El ahumado, profundo y distintivo Lapsang Souchong se originó en China de forma accidental hace varios siglos! El té se transportaba a caballo desde Yunnan hasta el Tíbet y Europa continental, adquiriendo su característico aroma ahumado en el camino gracias a la exposición al humo de las hogueras para calentarse durante las noches frías. Nuestro Lapsang Souchong Superior tradicional presenta una hoja profundamente aromática, similar a una hoguera humeante, pero libera una infusión con una suavidad distintiva, coronada por toques de pino ahumado característicos.

Para crear el ahumado refinado, las hojas recién arrancadas se secan sobre un fuego abierto para que se infundan naturalmente antes de cocinarlas en una sartén para ralentizar el proceso de oxidación. Luego, se enrollan individualmente a mano. Después de enrollar, las hojas se presionan y almacenan en barriles de madera, se cubren con telas y se dejan para completar la oxidación.

Nuestro tradicional té ahumado Lapsang Souchong Superior contiene solo té negro de hojas sueltas de la más alta calidad y acompaña muy bien platos salados, además de ser igualmente delicioso solo. Si solo tiene un Lapsang Souchong en su colección de té, ¡este té de grado superior es la elección perfecta!

Cómo preparar
una taza de té perfecta
1 cucharada o 1 bolsa
8oz / 200ml
205F / 95°C
2 - 3 min
Té negro
Jeff Oman
Octubre 2018
[EN] Perfect. Many Lapsang Souchongs have been scented with pine oil and such to make them smoky. This is just right. A very good base tea smoked with pine, but don't let that deter you. A perfect evening or even desert tea. Thick and rich umami. I'd love it with cheesecake Just right and a good price as well.
Tanya Wiles-Bell
Julio 2018
[EN] The first time I smelled this tea I thought; “Why would anyone want a tea that smells like wet campfire?!” Then I tasted it and fell in love. This has become my go to favourite tea! The flavor is full and smoky and transports me to my happy place.
Paul Quilichini
Septiembre 2016
[EN] I had never had a lapsang souchong until this one. I opened the package and was immediately blasted with the smokey aroma, which was a bit disconcerting. I steeped a pot large enough for two, but it ended up being for one, since my girlfriend had one sip and rejected it completely.

My taste buds didn't know what was going on at first, but after half a cup I was entranced. The aroma is like a now-dead fire of pine boughs. The flavour is like a campfire in my cup. It brings back memories even though I have never had it before.

Easily the most interesting tea I've ever had.

I'm ordering the other two lapsang souchongs from this site today, because I think I'm addicted.
Alexandru Popa
Febrero 2023
[EN] No smokiness at all. Just some random black tea. I wonder if it was a mistake or this is what their lapsang souchong tastes like
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