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Milk Jin Xuan Taiwanese

Milk Jin Xuan Taiwanés

En stock: 3870

Este té especial procesado a mano proviene de la montaña Jin Xuan en Taiwán. Los oolongs de Jin Xuan son conocidos por su rica sensación cremosa en la boca. Su producción requiere especial atención al tiempo, temperatura, altitud y condiciones del suelo. Durante la producción, para mejorar la riqueza lechosa natural, las hojas se cuecen al vapor con una combinación de agua y leche en polvo antes de calentarlas y secarlas. Esta región de cultivo especial y este proceso le brindan a este té su cremosidad natural, sabor a leche y textura sedosa.

Nuestro oolong taiwanés de Milk Jin Xuan produce una infusión de color amarillo pálido, con una fragancia dulce cremosa y lechosa y un sabor suave y ligeramente dulce que persiste.

¡Es un té difícil de olvidar!

Cómo preparar
una taza de té perfecta
1-1,5 cucharadas o 1 bolsa
8oz / 200ml
195F / 90°C
2 - 3 min
Té oolong, aroma natural
Tommaso Corà
Diciembre 2023
[EN] A buttery/milky delicious tea, consistent in aroma along smell and taste. Like some fine whisky it is a tasting experience. Really love it.
Mayo 2023
[EN] I just received this tea yesterday and this is definitely my new favourite! This tea is VEGAN so don't mind one of the reviews saying it isn't. If you research this tea, you will find out that the taste comes from the way the leaves are grown not any use of milk in the process. If you like Oolong and haven't tried this yet you are missing out big time!
Heather Barrett
Marzo 2022
[EN] It is more buttery then creamy, but it is still delicious. Very nice as a everyday Oolong for the afternoons.
Febrero 2022
[EN] Delicious! The first thing I noticed about the tea is the scent. Hot, it smells like freshly made caramelized condensed milk. It has a creamy mouthfeel and a bright vegetal taste. As the tea cools down and gets cold, I noticed that it became more floral with a hint of nuttiness to it. After finishing the tea, I find myself often picking up my cup just to inhale the scent left behind. Silly, but for some reason it makes me happy and relaxed!
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