My Favorite
Yunnan Golden Special

Yunnan Golden Special

In stock: 27
Caffeine Level (mg/1g)

Our Yunnan Golden Special is an organic black tea grown and cultivated by craft tea farmers with a distinguished history going back for many generations. Yunnan Golden Special is cultivated at the highest altitudes in a cool climate that is home to natural woodland, it is harvested between the end of March and the middle of April.

The leaves are mesmerizing to behold, they are bright gold and similar at first glance to tobacco leaves. Yunnan Golden Special produces a bright copper coloured cup that yields a buttery. strong, malt flavor, with finishing cinnamon notes. This is an awe inspiring black tea with the signature soft earthy Yunnan signature character that can be enjoyed for multiple infusions.

How to make
a perfect cup of tea
1 TSP or 1 BAG
8oz / 200ml
205F / 95°C
2 - 3 min
Black tea
Jd Aragon
November 2024
If you're looking for a nice mellow tea this is it! The surprising thing about this black tea leaf is that it has plenty to offer. Don't worry about using too few leaves. I was able to get a minimum of six steepings out of a good portion of around 4 or 5 oz worth of leaves. You can let this one steep for an extended period of time with a lot of wiggle room for forgiveness as this does not get bitter at all. I get very vegetative flavor notes, The longer you let it steep you'll get notes of spinach or squash definitely a nice mineral and sweet aftertaste. Mind you that the minerality may depend on the type of water that you use but As far as the water I use I definitely get those mineral notes at the end. This tea packs enough boldness to where it is a good morning tea yet it is not as sharp so if you enjoy a more mellow taste this is perfect for a smooth round finish.
Sascha Uncia
April 2024
Very nice black tea with a wonderful aroma. Full bodied and fruity with malty tones. Mellow and not too bitter, overall a solid choice for black tea. I do prefer the yunnan silver needle but this is good too.
Jackie Allen
April 2023
Absolutely delicious. I generally prefer Chinese teas like Yunnan or Keeman over Indian teas, as I find them.sweeter and less astringent.But even with these I usual add a splash of milk. This tea is so lovely it needs no milk at all.
Nikau Ferguson-Spence
August 2021
Wonderful flavor, hints of stone fruit and caramel. Very highly recommend, best black tea I have had.

brewing suggestion for gaiwan: use 7g, pour just boiled water in, then immediately pour into cup. Lasted for about 9 infusions, pretty much full flavour the whole time
See all 15 reviews